Ten Fine Things About Moo Moo in a Tutu by Linda Ashman

My sincere thanks to Linda Ashman for sharing the following review of Moo Moo in a Tutu on her blog today.

Ten Fine Things About Moo Moo in a Tutu



I loved Tim Miller’s art in Snappsy the Alligator  (Julie Falatko’s story as well), so naturally I was eager to read Moo Moo in a Tutu, Tim’s debut as both author and illustrator.

And it delivers.

How? Let me count the ways.

          1. The title. Rhythmic. Musical. Evocative.

          2. The marquee-esque title page that introduces the two main characters.

    3. The spot art images on the copyright/dedication spread that tell us something about their friendship before the story even begins.
    4. The friends’ first exchange, which says so much in so few words. (Oh, and the bonsai.)
      5. The premise: A cow decides to become a ballerina. She doesn’t 
     to become one—she just sews herself a tutu and takes the leap. Literally. First  in her home, then onstage at the City Ballet. Both to somewhat disastrous results.
    6. The slapstick humor. (See: disastrous results.
    7. Quirky asides.  Like when Mr. Quackers, in the audience, offers his highbrow neighbor a treat.
    8. Details, details. When Moo Moo hangs up her tutu, we get a glimpse of her other brilliant ideas: a superhero costume, rollerskates, baseball, goggles, Viking hat  . . .
    9. PLUS that city setting, the high-rise apartment, and those bunk beds (I love that Moo Moo’s got the top one)
    10. The "Ha!” ending, which assures us that Moo Moo’s calamitous performance as a ballerina hasn’t discouraged her in the least. (Sorry—no spoilers here.)

          And a bonus reason: It reminded me of two other fabulous friends:

Check it out!